USPS i.e. United States Postal Service is one of the most trusted and reputed authorities which provide mail & post office services around the world. Currently, USPS is providing mail services to more than 220 countries around the world. If you are going to ship through USPS then make sure to check the USPS holiday calendar 2020 in order to see the days on which the post offices are closed. Below we’ve shared a USPS Holiday 2019 table along with a calendar. Check the holiday details below and then plan your shipment accordingly.
USPS Holidays 2020 Schedule
The post offices are closed on Sundays. Apart from that, the following are the holidays on which the post offices are closed.
Date | Holiday |
Wednesday, January 1 | New Year’s Day |
Monday, January 20 | Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Monday, February 17 | Washington’s Birthday |
Monday, May 25 | Memorial Day |
Saturday, July 4 | Independence Day |
Monday, September 7 | Labor Day |
Monday, October 12 | Columbus Day |
Wednesday, November 11 | Veterans Day |
Friday, November 27 | Thanksgiving Day |
Friday, December 25 | Christmas Day |
These are also the Federal Holidays. There is one thing which you must know about the Federal holidays i.e. a holiday that falls on a weekend is usually observed on the closest weekday (e.g. a holiday falling on a Saturday is observed on the preceding Friday, while a holiday falling on a Sunday is observed on the succeeding Monday).
Download US Post Office Holiday Calendar 2020
Federal holidays recognized by the US government. The postal services are closed on these holidays. Check out the USPS holiday calendar and then plan your shipment accordingly.

Click on the calendar above to open a full-size calendar and then download it for a calendar in high resolution.
It’s always great to have a USPS calendar if you are looking to plan a shipment through USPS. USPS offer many mail services, check the official website here